Les Vents Français
2025.3.21 (五) 19:30
National Concer Hall
法國風木管五重奏(Les Vents Français)由柏林愛樂長笛首席帕胡德(Emmanuel Pahud),法國古典長笛演奏派的傑出繼承人;巴黎歌劇院雙簧管首席馮思瓦.勒樂(François Leleux),以指揮家和教育家而聞名;單簧管演奏家保羅.梅耶(Paul Meyer),特殊現代曲目的擁護者;巴黎歌劇院低音管演奏家及巴黎音樂學院教授吉爾伯特.奧丹(Gilbert Audin);薩爾斯堡莫札特音樂學院的法國號教授及演奏家瑞德凡.弗拉柯維克(Radovan Vlatkovic),來自法國的五位木管好手組成的室内樂團體。樂團經常邀請鋼琴家雷薩吉(Eric Le Sage)的加入,他曾演奏20多首浪漫主義和當代作曲家廣爲人知的鋼琴協奏曲。
法國風木管五重奏成立於2000年,並為RCA唱片及EMI唱片錄製了多張專輯。2005年,帕胡德、梅耶和雷薩吉共同推出的專輯《French Connection》獲得好評,並呈現法國曲目與作曲家羅伯斯(Villa-Lobos)和蕭斯塔科維契(Shostakovich)的作品之間的聯繫。2012年,他們憑著EMI唱片發行的專輯《最佳五重奏音樂》在日本獲得粉絲的讚賞,並在日本和歐洲進行巡迴演出。2013年與華納經典簽約,並發行了多張專輯及經常在慕尼黑的巴伐利亞音樂工作室進行專輯錄製。法國風木管五重奏非常專注於法國音樂,2014年發行的專輯《French Music for Winds》將保羅.塔法內爾(Paul Taffanel)和安德烈.若利韋(André Jolivet)等被遺忘的作曲家與更為知名的拉威爾和伊貝爾並列,也在音樂會中規劃並演奏相關的曲目。2017年發行的專輯《Beethoven》更獲得法國古典音樂領域以外的聽衆,也收錄了貝多芬多首非常罕見的作品。
法國風木管五重奏繼續為華納經典錄製專輯,並持續重視當代音樂及擴大管樂曲目。他們委託並首演了Thierry Escaich、Thierry Pécou 和棚田文紀等作曲家的新作品。2018年專輯《Concertante!》收錄了古典時代的管樂作品,以及2019年的專輯《Moderniste》皆獲得德國古典音樂大獎(Opus Klassik)的提名。2019年,樂團展開了忙碌的夏季巡迴,參與各大音樂盛事如德國烏茲堡莫札特音樂節、德國奧迪夏日音樂會、日内瓦的依雲音樂節以及意大利的科莫湖音樂節。2020年發行了專輯《Romantique》,並在德國杜塞爾多夫、克羅埃西亞里耶卡和瑞典哥德堡進行巡迴演出。2021年發行了專輯《亨德密特:為木管樂器而作的奏鳴曲》,同樣廣受好評。
帕胡德做為當代長笛大師迪博斯特 (Michel Debost, 1934- )的門生與高徒,並受到尼可萊 (Aurele Nicolet, 1926-2016) 的賞識提攜,又是一代指揮大師阿巴多 (Claudio Abbado, 1933-2014) 賞識與欽點的長笛演奏家。22歲獲得義大利杜宜諾、日本神戶、瑞士日內瓦長笛大賽的首獎,並坐上柏林愛樂首席之位後,聲望扶搖直上且一路長紅,可謂21世紀最成功的長笛音樂家。總是在各國之間穿梭且行色匆匆的他,無論在世界哪個角落演出,所到之處無不造成一陣風靡與轟動。近年他享受在室內樂型態的音樂會,一來享受在行旅之間與朋友之間的相聚,並且以樂會友;二來更增進彼此在舞台上的合作火花與默契,為樂迷創造一次又一次的藝珍貴回憶與藝術感動。
因著Francis Ford Coppola的《教父》系列電影,讓Nina Rota獲得英國演藝學院以及奧斯卡的金獎二度肯定於世界影壇聲名大噪,更奠定了他在電影音樂大師級不朽地位。而Nina Rota在電影音樂創作之外,在各項風格與編制作品更為數可觀。從1930 年代到1979 年去世前,他為義大利和國際大導作品創作了150 多部作品,1940 年代末到50 年代中期是他創作最多的時期。每年創作的作品多達十部,甚至超過。其中,1954 年這一年更是他電影配樂的創作黃金盛年。Nina Rota一生中另外除了電影音樂之外,另外還有十部歌劇、五部芭蕾舞劇和數十部管弦樂編制、合唱和室內樂作品,而他的弦樂協奏曲最為人古典樂壇所熟知。這回,苗栗場安排了其於1937年為長笛與豎琴而寫的作品—《奏鳴曲》(Sonata per flauto e arpa)。向來創作風格多元且充滿想像力著稱的Nina Rota,為長笛與豎琴而寫的這首作品中,透過音樂宛若帶您踏上充滿映畫感的旅行,即便沒有電影與文本故事在前,做為聽眾聆賞,相信您也會進入一場滿有故事性音樂之旅。
長笛 Flute
艾曼紐.帕胡德 Emmanuel Pahud
帕胡德固定參與世界各地的音樂會、音樂節、樂團演出,並以獨奏家的身分與頂尖的指揮如阿巴多、安東尼尼、巴倫波因、布列茲、費雪、葛濟夫、加德納、哈汀、賈維、馬澤爾、聶澤-賽金、奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉達、帕爾曼、平諾克、拉圖、羅斯托波維奇、辛曼等人合作。他也熱衷於室內樂,經常與鋼琴家艾瑞克‧雷薩吉、亞利索‧巴斯、葉芬‧布朗夫曼、伊蓮‧葛莉茉、史蒂芬‧寇瓦謝維契及爵士鋼琴家傑克‧特拉森等人一同登台。1993年起,帕胡德與鋼琴家雷薩吉、單簧管家保羅‧梅耶於普羅旺斯薩隆舉辦音樂節「Musique à l’Emperi」,至今仍是相當獨特的室內樂節慶活動。他也持續參與木管五重奏「法國風」(Les Vents Français),和優秀的夥伴──雙簧管家弗朗索瓦‧勒樂、單簧管家保羅‧梅耶、低音管家吉爾貝‧奧丹與法國號家拉多萬‧弗拉特科維茲──合作演出。
French and Swiss flautist Emmanuel Pahud began studying music at the age of six. He graduated in 1990 with the 1er Prix from the Paris Conservatoire, and went on studying with Aurèle Nicolet. He won 1st Prize at the Duino, Kobe and Geneva Competitions, and at age 22 Emmanuel joined the Berliner Philharmoniker as Principal Flute under Claudio Abbado, a position which he still holds today. In addition, he enjoys an extensive international career as soloist and chamber musician.
Emmanuel appears regularly at leading concert series, festivals and orchestras worldwide, and has collaborated as a soloist with top conductors such as Abbado, Antonini, Barenboim, Boulez, Fischer, Gergiev, Gardiner, Harding, Järvi, Maazel, Nezet-Séguin, Orozco-Estrada, Perlman, Pinnock, Rattle, Rostropovich, Zinman.
Emmanuel is a dedicated chamber musician and regularly gives recitals with pianists Eric Le Sage, Alessio Bax, Yefim Bronfman, Hélène Grimaud, Stephen Kovacevich, as well as jazzing with Jacky Terrasson. In 1993, Emmanuel founded the Summer Music Festival in Salon de Provence together with Eric Le Sage and Paul Meyer, which is still a unique chamber music festival today. He also continues chamber music performances and recordings with “Les Vents Français” with top wind players François Leleux, Paul Meyer, Gilbert Audin and Radovan Vlatkovic
He is committed to expanding the flute repertoire and commissions new flute works every year to composers such as Elliott Carter, Marc-André Dalbavie, Thierry Escaich, Simon Holt, Toshio Hosokawa, Michaël Jarrell, Luca Lombardi, Philippe Manoury, Matthias Pintscher, Christian Rivet.
He is committed to expanding the flute repertoire and commissions new flute works every year to composers such as Elliott Carter, Marc-André Dalbavie, Thierry Escaich, Simon Holt, Toshio Hosokawa, Michaël Jarrell, Luca Lombardi, Philippe Manoury, Matthias Pintscher, Christian Rivet.
Since 1996 Emmanuel records exclusively for EMI / Warner Classics, one of the most significant contributions to recorded flute music: more than 25 recordings which all have received unanimous critical acclaim and winning awards.
Emmanuel was honoured to receive the Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres for his contribution to music, and is HonRAM of the Royal Academy of Music. He also is an Ambassador for Unicef.
豎琴 Harp
瑪莉-琵耶.蘭格拉美 Marie-Pierre Langlamet
1967年出生於法國格勒諾布爾的蘭格拉美,於尼斯音樂學院開始音樂的啟蒙教育,師從豎琴大師芳登畢諾許(Elisabeth Fontan-Binoche),其後亦接受拉斯金與波霍的大師班指導。她在17歲時,就成為尼斯愛樂管弦樂團的首席豎琴家,一年之後,她獲得獎學金,前往美國費城進入柯蒂斯音樂學院繼續深造。1988年起的五年時間,蘭格拉美進入李汶指揮的紐約大都會歌劇院管弦樂團,擔任豎琴助理首席; 1993年她加入柏林愛樂管弦樂團,擔任豎琴首席直到今天。
Marie-Pierre Langlamet was born in Grenoble, France in 1967 and received her first musical instruction at the Conservatoire in Nice. She studied harp with Elizabeth Fontan-Binoche and attended masterclasses of Lily Laskine and Jacqueline Borot. At the age of seventeen she became the principal harpist of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice, but one year later she set off for USA where she furthered her training at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.
Soon afterwards, in1988 Marie-Pierre Langlamet was appointed the assistant principal harpist of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra regularly performed under James Levine. Since 1993 she became the principal harpist of Berliner Philharmoniker, the position she still holds today.
Ms. Langlamet also gives recitals, appears with chamber ensembles and performs as soloist with numerous renowned orchestras, including the Berliner Philharmoniker, the BBC Philharmonic, the Rundfunk Sinfonie Orchester Berlin, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Orchestre de la Radio Suisse and the Orchestre National de Lille, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, the Orquestre Philharmonique de Radio France, the Orquesta Nacional de Espana, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, etc. She has performed under conductors including Claudio Abbado, Sir Simon Rattle, Marek Janowski, Donald Runnicles, Hugh Wolf, François-Xavier Roth, Ilan Volkov and Horst Stein, Christian Thielemann, Paavo Järvi, Juanjo Mena, Cristian Măcelaru. at the world’s greatest concert halls, such as Berliner Philharmoniker, Tokyo’s Suntory Hall, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, London’s Albert Hall, New York’s Avery Fisher Hall, the Salle Pleyel in Paris and the Luzern Culture and Congress Centre. Her chamber musician partners include Emmanuel Pahud, François Leleux, Paul Meyer, Renaud and Gautier Capuçon, Tabea Zimmermann, Jean-Guihen Queyras and Marc Coppey.
In 1992 Marie-Pierre Langlamet won the first prize at the International Harpists’ Competition in Israel, the competition widely regarded as the most important for the instrument. Other competitions won by Ms. Langlamet include International Louise Charpentier Competition in Paris in 1984 and International Concert Artists’ Guild Competition in New York in 1989. She is also a recipient of the Juventus Laureate awarded by the European Council in 1994. In 2003 she was awarded the Cino Del Duca prize by the Académie des Beaux Arts, and in 2005 she became a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.
Marie-Pierre Langlamet collaborates with the American composer Sebastian Currier, from whom she has commissioned several pieces. One of them – the harp concerto Traces – was performed in December 2009 together with the Berliner Philharmoniker. Since 1995 Marie-Pierre Langlamet has taught at the Herbert von Karajan Academy, and from 2010 to 2020 she was the professor at Universität der Künste Berlin. For the winter semester 2021/22, the French harpist Marie-Pierre Langlamet will take on a guest professorship at the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin.
【臺北場】12月3日14:30 臺北表演藝術中心 球劇場
巴赫:G小調奏鳴曲 作品1020
J.S.Bach: Sonata in G Minor BWV 1020
德布西: 棕髮少女
Claude Debussy: La fille aux cheveux de lin, Preludes Op.1, No.8
Claude Debussy: En bateau, from "Petite suite" L.65
Claude Debussy: Valse Romantique in F Minor, L.71
聖桑斯: 骷髏之舞
Charles Camille Saint-Saëns: Danse Macabre, Op.40
Gabriel Fauré: Sicilienne, Op.78, Berceuse, from Dolly Suite, Op.56 No.1, Fantaisie, Op.79
Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc: Flute Sonata, FP 164
C.P.E. 巴赫:給長笛獨奏的A小調奏鳴曲
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Flute Sonata in A minor, Wq.132, H.562
皮耶左拉:1900尋歡園、1930 咖啡館、1960夜總會,選自《探戈的歷史》
Ástor Pantaleón Piazzolla: Bordello 1900, Café 1930, Nightclub 1960 from “Histoire du Tango”
【苗栗場】12月2日19:30 苗栗縣苗北藝文中心
Francis Poulenc: Flute Sonata
Robert Schumann : 3 Romances
Nino Rota: Sonata for Flute and Harp
Johannes Sebastian Bach: Sonata in E major BWV1016 (original: Violin Sonata)
Alexander Desplats: Airlines
Astor Piazzolla: Bordello 1900, Café 1930, Nightclub 1960 from « Histoire du Tango »
Time & Venue
時間│2023. 12. 3 (日) 14:30
地點│臺北表演藝術中心 球劇場
1600 2000 2500
TIME ∣ Sunday 3 DEC, 14:30
VENUE ∣ Taipei Performing Arts Center Proscenium Playhouse
No. 1, Jiantan Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City
TICKETS ∣ 500(Student)800(Student) 1200 1600 2000 2500
時間│2023. 12. 2 (六) 19:30
地點│苗栗縣苗北藝文中心 演藝廳
票價│300 、500 、700 、1,000 、1,200
TIME ∣ Saturday 2 DEC, 19:30
VENUE ∣ Miaobei Art Center
No. 206, Gongyuan Rd., Zhunan Township,
Miaoli County, Taiwan
TEL | 03 761 2669
TICKETS ∣ 300 、500 、700 、1,000 、1,200
▌購票折扣方案 DISCOUNTS -- 限12月3日臺北場
◎新象之友 1200元票級 (含) 以上9折(請輸入身份證字號或致電主辦單位02-25772568購票)
◎【莊東杰與德國波鴻交響樂團 問券回饋】憑優惠碼9折
◎【倫敦愛樂管弦樂團 問券回饋】憑優惠碼9折
◎ 敬老優待(65歲以上)1200元票級 (含) 以上9折優惠
◎ 身心障礙人士及陪同者1名購票5折優待,入場時應出示身心障礙手冊,陪同者與身障者需同時入場
OPENTIX 兩廳院文化生活 02-3393-9888
❖ 建議 6 歲以上觀賞
❖ 演出全長約120分鐘,含中場休息20分鐘
❖ 為維護表演者及現場觀賞品質,如有遲到或中途離席狀況,請依現場工作人員指示於適當時機進場入座
❖ 退/換票最遲請於演出日10天前辦理,酌收票價10%手續費,逾期恕不受理
❖ 購買學生、身障票券者,入場時需出示有效證件;若無法出示有效證件,需於入場前補足價差。
❖ 敬請配合場館防疫政策,如:全程配戴口罩、測量體溫等,並請先行在票券背面寫上您的姓名、電話,以利進場作業
❖ 除最後謝幕開放拍照外,演出中禁止拍照、錄影、錄音,敬請配合
❖ 本場演出婉拒獻花,如有送花需求請轉交前台人員
❖ 前台將販售精美節目冊,歡迎選購
Presenter & Sponsors
財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 贊助
新象.環境.藝之美文創 主辦 02-25772568
National Cultural and Arts Foundation Sponsor
New Aspect Creatives Presenter
主辦單位保有節目內容異動權 The program is subject to change