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行政總監 許博允_c_徐思潔


許博允,台北淡水人,師從許常惠先生學習理論作曲及小提琴。 1962年,發起「江浪樂集」,並發表歌樂《怨歌行》及《夜坐吟》兩首,此後持續不斷與國際現代音樂交流。適1971年,邀集詩人、美術家共同創作台灣首次的「混合媒體藝術」。爾後,發表《孕》、《五人五笛》。同年,與李泰祥合寫《放》,成為台灣第一首混和媒體藝術創作曲,獲得美國洛克斐勒基金會垂青。1972年至1975年,許氏創作《中國戲曲冥想》、《寒食》、《琵琶隨筆》與《生.死》,陸續成為「雲門舞集」主要舞碼《烏龍院》、《寒食》、《夸父追日》、《哪吒》的音樂。1985年代,林懷民將許博允的音樂編了整場的大舞作—《夢土》及改編《星宿》,許氏之樂透過「雲門舞集」在全世界公演超過四百次,各地讚嘆。80年代,「菲律賓國家舞蹈團」藝術總監—蕊蕬,美國舞蹈家—莫里路易斯,日本默劇家—箱島安,及旅美電動雕塑家—蔡文穎,相繼使用許氏之樂編作;其中《琵琶隨筆》也由王正平1975年首演之後成為現代世界各地琵琶家的重要曲目,演出逾千次,開創了中國樂器的經典。1979 年與菲律賓露克蕾西雅.卡西拉葛博士共同發起創辦「亞洲文化推展聯盟」並曾任總秘書長及主席。


1982年為白先勇先生舞台劇《遊園驚夢》製作音樂設計及作曲、為吳靜吉先生所製作的「蘭陵劇坊」舞台劇《代面》作曲,1993年為當代傳奇劇場《樓蘭女》舞台劇作曲。1971年,與其師許常惠先生及日本的鍋島吉朗、香港林聲翕、韓國羅運榮等人共同發起「亞洲作曲家聯盟」,曾擔任過總秘書長、及「中華民國作曲家協會」理事長。1976年創立「亞洲音樂新環境」系列,與日本的「亞洲音樂新媒體」及菲律賓的「亞洲新音樂藝術節」,邀請當代亞洲最傑出作曲家發表,策略聯盟推動20世紀「當代新音樂」。1988年8月許博允與美國周文中教授、中國大陸吳祖強教授共同在哥倫比亞大學舉辦「海峽兩岸20大作曲家面對面」論壇成為世界焦點。海峽兩岸各10位音樂家,當時參與盛會音樂家們,現皆成為兩岸樂界巨擘,開啟台灣海峽兩岸歷史上首次文化交流。同年,10月應I.S.C.M (國際現代音樂協會)委託創作《天元》,由香港中樂團世界首演;而後在歐、美、日等各八十多國廣播電台轉播,迴響熱烈。1989年之後,三次以「今日中國人的聲響」為題,推動全球華人新音樂。1990年代,許氏鑿力台灣海峽兩岸文化交流,在音樂創作上,三度推動「台北.上海音樂薈萃」於上海舉行,展演兩岸的現代音樂創作。



Born in Tamsui Taipei, Hsu Po-Yun was a music theory and violin student of Maestro Hsu Tsang Huei. In 1962, Hsu Po-Yun founded “The Rip Tide”, and premiered two of his compositions, “Song of Regret” and “Ye Zuo Yin”, came to prominence by his unique music style and began his professional art career with continuous interaction with international contemporary music. In 1971, he invited poets and artists and created the first mixed-media art presentation in Taiwan. Afterwards, he composed “Yun” and “Five! Five!”. In the same year, he and composer Lee Tai-Hsiang composed “Fung”, which was not only the first joint-composition in Taiwan, the piece also received recognition from Rockefeller Center Foundation in the United States. From 1972 to 1975, Hsu's compositions “A Meditation on Chinese Theatre”, “The Pipa”, “Han Hsih” and “Life Death” became theatre music to many of the early Cloud Gate Dance Theatre's main dance repertories including “Wu Lung Yuan”, “Han Hsih”, “Kua Fu Pursues the Sun”, “Nocha.” In 1985, Lin Hwai-min adopted Hsu Po-Yun's music to choreograph the grand-scale dance productions of Dreamscape and the remake of "Galaxy". Hsu's music that was incorporated in Cloud Gate Dance Theatre's production has toured globally for over four hundred well-received performances. In the 80's, Alice Reyes, the artistic director of Ballet Philippines of the Cultural Centre of the Philippines, Morris Louis, the American dancer, Yass Hakoshima, the Japanese mime artist, and Wen-Ying Tsai, Chinese American cybernetic sculptor have all used Hsu's music for their creations. After Wang Cheng-Ping made the debut of the piece "Pipa” in 1975, it became an important number for pipa players globally; it has since then been performed over thousands of times and formed a classic repertoire in Chinese music. In 1979, Hsu co-founded the Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion with Dr. Lucresia Kasilag, then President of the Cultural Center of the Philippines, and served as Secretary-General and Chairman.


In 1982, Hsu produced and composed the music for the play “Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream” based on Pai Hsien-Yung's novel, and also composed for Wu Jing-Jyi's play “Dai-Mien” for Lang Ling Theatre Workshop, which was widely popular. In 1993, he composed for the play of Lo Lan Nu for the Contemporary Legend Theatre. In 1971, Hsu Po-Yun and his teacher, Maestro Hsu Tsang Huei , Yoshiro Nabeshima of Japan, Lin Sheng-shih of Hong Kong, and La Un-Yung of Korea to joint-establish the Asian Composers League. Hsu served as Chief Secretary for Asian Composers League and Taiwan Composer AssociationIn 1976, Hsu established the Environment Music Productions, and linked together with music festivals in Japan and the Philippines to present the works of outstanding Asian composers to promote the contemporary music of the 20th century. In August of 1988, together with Chou Wen-Chung of the USA and Wu Tsu-Chiang of China, Hsu Po-Yun took part in the symposium of Top Twenty Composers of the Cross-Strait held at Columbia University. Ten composers each from Taiwan and China and musicians that took part in the symposium have all since become well-respected music maestros of today's time. The symposium opened the gate of music interactions cross-strait. In October of the same year, Hsu was commissioned by International Society for Contemporary Music to compose the piece “Tian-Yuan” with premier performance by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. It was then broadcasted in Europe, USA, and Japan for the total of over eighty national television broadcasts. After the year of 1989, Voice of the Chinese Today was hosted three times, and promoted global Chinese new music. In 1990, Hsu devoted himself to the interaction between China and Taiwan, and promoted three times the Taipei- Shanghai New Music Festival held in Shanghai.


In 2005 to 2008, Hsu held the concerts of Music of Hsu Po-Yun in Taipei, Shanghai, Hong Kong. In 1975, Hsu established the Environment Music Productions producing music for TV, film and commercials. In 1978, Hsu’s father Mr Hsu Po-yen founded International New Aspect Cultural and Educational Foundation. Hsu Po-Yun and his wife Fan Man-Nong have co-operated the foundation, not only introduced various type of performing arts performances to Taiwan, but also brought Taiwanese performing arts group and companies abroad, in total of over 10,000 performances. It opens a new page of connecting Taiwan society to international performing arts, has inspired people in Taiwan with new vision and perspectives to the world. In addition, Hsu has also crossed over to the fields of art, environmental design, and image production. He has been a columnist, television program producer and host, producer of advertising video, movie and stage design, landscape designer, and golf course designer.

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